by wpms_admin | Apr 7, 2013 | | Established since January 2009, the society provides a multidisciplinary forum for engineers, scientists and clinicians who are interested in employing new technologies for physical, psychological, cognitive, and social rehabilitation applications. The purpose of the society is to facilitate interaction between the communities interested in the field in order to: promote discussion, facilitate standardization, create opportunities for collaboration, represent the virtual rehabilitation community and provide recognition for excellence. The 2009 Version We were initially contacted by the ISVR in 2009, when it was first established, to design and develop their first website (click on image to the right for more details). After our numerous successful projects with the Virtual Rehabilitation Conference Websites we were not surprised when we were selected for this project. We worked with them to come up with a design they liked and then implemented it into DreamWeaver templates, which would allow committee members without extensive knowledge of HTML and web development to make updates without any possibility of “breaking” the design. Another benefit of using DreamWeaver templates is that they could use the much simpler Adobe Contribute to make the changes, rather than DreamWeaver, which can be intimidating for the inexperienced user. The Society also needed a way for individuals to purchase memberships electronically. A custom web application was tailored for their needs, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with a PHP and MySQL back-end. Upon registration, the user was presented with the opportunity to pay via PayPal or send in a check. They were also sent a confirmation email with instructions how to do the same at a later time. The ISVR administrative interface was built with the capability...
by wpms_admin | Aug 18, 2011 | | The Alfa Art Center A NJ Non-Profit Corporation (a.k.a. Alfa Art Gallery) is a privately owned and operated art gallery in the heart of New Brunswick, NJ. When Alfa was first conceived, it was to be a modern, high-tech, interdisciplinary gallery which would not only display conventional art but would combine music and paintings, and dance, and theater, and sculptures, and installations. It would strive to satisfy the community’s craving for art while taking advantage of high technologies and thus try to be unique. We at NJ InfoTech were involved not only with the website but with the IT infrastructure as well – the HD projector and screen, surround sound, wireless microphones, wireless network, printers, copiers, scanners, and much more, but here we will just focus on the website. The 2007 Version A high-tech gallery, like the one envisioned could not exist without a modern website, which would feature not only static content, but video too, would look great and at the same time be easy to manage and easy to use, providing an exceptional user experience. Our quest began with the design. After many hours of hard work we arrived at a product which we both liked (see image to the right). Then we implemented it into DreamWeaver templates, which would allow employees and interns without extensive knowledge of HTML and web development to make updates without any possibility of “breaking” the design. Another benefit of using DreamWeaver templates is that they could use the much simpler Adobe Contribute to make the changes, rather than DreamWeaver, which can be intimidating for the inexperienced user. In addition we...
by wpms_admin | Feb 22, 2011 | | Vesselin Kourtev is a famous artist born in Bulgaria and currently living and working in the USA, who is also the father of our firm’s President. We had previously designed Vesselin Kourtev’s online portfolio website, creating a custom CMS (Content Management System) for this purpose based on PHP and MySQL. The site worked well for years but with the increase in popularity of WordPress it was time for change. In 2011 we ported the site over to WordPress using ElegantThemes’ wonderful theme ePhoto. The site looks even better and being WordPress based, is even easier to update and maintain. It is still hosted on our...
by wpms_admin | Nov 12, 2010 | | In 2010 the Virtual Rehabilitation Conference Committee (previously IWVR) were back with the usual task of setting up their conference site for 2011. This time we were able negotiate the opportunity to come up with a better design. After a lot of hard work we came up with a very elegant, clean and modern look. We implemented the new design using DreamWeaver templates (as usual), which allows committee members without extensive knowledge of HTML and web development to make updates without any possibility of “breaking” the design. Another benefit of using DreamWeaver templates is that they could use the much simpler Adobe Contribute to make the changes, rather than DreamWeaver, which can be intimidating for the inexperienced user. They were very satisfied with the quality service we provide and we have been responsible for their conference websites ever...
by wpms_admin | Jun 14, 2009 | | The NJ Department of Human Service contacted our partners at ENTCHEV.COM with the request to design a website which would be Bobby Approved (AAA and 508) and would be easy to use by people with disabilities who need to plan a trip from one place to another using special services which deal with people with disabilities. The project was subcontracted to us. The site was built with usability in mind, using a 3-tier architecture as required by the state and Bobby approved, so it could be easily access by text only web browsers, screen readers and people with low vision (hence the high-contrast color scheme). The backend includes a relational database which stores all the service providers’ details. An access portal for services providers was created, as well as one for administrators, who could moderate and update service record submissions. Complicated mapping and scheduling algorithms were written in order to extract the correct information from the database and present it to the user in an easy to understand format. Update: The site has now been redesigned and now uses WordPress. We...